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Send as your brand

White label your email service

Make sure every email you send comes from you. By whitelabeling your Mailgun email service with DNS records, you can maintain your brand and build your reputation.

Manage email bounces.

Improve delivery

White label email services for your email marketing

The most important factor in email marketing success is maximizing your email delivery rate. ISPs work hard to protect their users from spam and phishing emails by reviewing message headers and message content for indicators that the sender isn’t reliable.

Mailgun’s email marketing solution emphasizes deliverability. Through white labeling, you can make it even more likely that your key messages reach their recipients. It’s easy to whitelabel your email marketing by making changes to your DNS records.

White labeling makes the email marketing campaigns Mailgun sends on your behalf appear as if they’re being sent directly by you.

For agencies

White labeling for marketing agencies

If you’re a marketing agency that sends emails on behalf of customers and partners, white labeling makes them think you manage your own email service. To the ISPs that deliver your emails, white labeling boosts your sender reputation, which is vital to having your email delivered. Expand your marketing automation service with the level of customization and customer support agencies need.

Illustration of an icon representing integration.


Best features of a white label email service

Using white labeled domains, IP addresses and email links all help build your reputation and convince ISPs that your marketing campaign messages should be delivered. Spend the time needed to set up white label email features in Mailgun’s email marketing platform, and you’ll improve the success of your email campaigns.

White label email marketing relies on three kinds of white labeling:

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Domain white labeling

By adding Sender Policy Framework (SPF) text to your domain record, you prevent sender address spoofing. This tells ISPs that any email from Mailgun on behalf of your domain is verified and authorized – and not likely to be spam. If you use Mailgun to send email on behalf of your own customers and partners, you can use SPF chaining to whitelabel their domains, too.

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IP address white labeling

Besides making sure your domain is verified, you should whitelabel your IP address to ensure that ISPs see your IP address as trustworthy. A sender IP address with a good reputation is critical to ensuring email deliverability. Mailgun allows you to use a dedicated IP address to send emails. Using a dedicated IP address means no one else can send email from that IP address. That way, your reputation won’t be affected by emails that anyone else sends through our email service. If you have multiple domains yourself, they can use the same IP address, but all of their reputations will affect the reputation of the IP address.

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Email links white labeling

Some ISPs look at message content as well as the domain when determining whether an email is spam. Because click tracking requires links to be directed through Mailgun, these can be misinterpreted by the ISP. By whitelabeling your links, they appear as part of your own domain and trustworthy to the ISP. Don’t use a link-shortening service to create the URLs in your message. Since these don’t include your domain, they won’t be trusted by the ISP and can result in your message not being delivered.


Become a partner

Interested in bringing email to your user base? Mailgun has partnered with Rackspace, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, and other hosting and developer platforms to extend their services and better support their customers with a white label email software. Get in touch to learn more about our partnership opportunities.

Check out our plans to bundle together features for better deliverability


Explore beyond white label emails

Mailgun has a variety of features for companies in need of white label email services.

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Use Cases

See what you can accomplish with the world's best email delivery platform and email API with Mailgun

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