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Illustration of an inbox with primary, social, and promotion tabs to filter email.

Email testing tools

An email testing tool will get you ready to send by making sure your email displays properly across email clients and mobile devices. Some examples of email testing tools include email previews, spam tests, and email validations.

Test your emails before you send

Without an email testing tool, you might end up with potential issues like broken links or formatting that’s okay on a desktop but messed up on an iPhone 6. Even worse, too many bad emails can lead to high unsubscribe rates and a bad reputation for your IP address. That’s poor sending practice and bad for your deliverability.

Three email icons lined up diagonally.

Testing tools for your email

Testing tools come in several different categories, like spam testing, email previews, and email verification. These testing tools will ensure your email looks professional and your email marketing campaign reaches the inboxes of valid email addresses. Here are some email testing tools you need in order to avoid spam filters and get the best results from your email campaigns:

A graphic illustration showing analytics on a computer screen.

Spam tests

You have to test your spam score to make sure your emails are actually reaching those Yahoo and AOL inboxes, not getting shuffled into a spam folder and blocked by tools like SpamAssassin. We recommend Email on Acid as it includes a spam test as part of their email client testing service. Based on your test results, you can determine if you need to make changes to your content so it seems like a real email, not spam. Take spam testing a step further with inbox placement testing or seed testing to see exactly how your message will be delivered across different ISPs and email clients. While it’s hard to know exactly what kind of email deliverability you’ll see, inbox placement tests give you the best indication.

Email preview

Get a chance to view how your email will look in different email clients, like Apple Mail or An email might look good in Gmail but terrible in AOL. You can also use Mailgun’s email templates feature can render your email template directly in your control panel. Using this alongside an email preview tool like EmailReach or Email on Acid helps ensure that your emails look as they should.

A graphic illustration of mobile email templates.
A graphic illustration of email verification.

Email verification tools

To get great email delivery rates, you need to make sure your email campaigns reach a real email address. Email verification tools can help you ensure that your email messages are reaching actual people. Whether you need to validate one address or thousands, Mailgun can help you out. Our verification service can help with any email verification you need.

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Start email testing for free

Good email testing tools are only the beginning of a successful email strategy. Go beyond basic services like Amazon SES or marketing automation solutions like Mailchimp — use different tools alongside an email program like Mailgun to take your marketing campaigns to the next level with best-in-class deliverability, detailed analytics, spam complaint handling, and custom meta-data.

Other features

Explore beyond email testing

Mailgun has a variety of features for companies in need of robust email testing.

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