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Email industry benchmarks and deliverability stats: Insights from 2024

Take a deep dive into 2024’s email performance metrics across leading industries and regions to see how your results compare. Uncover the key deliverability practices that drove success this year and get ready to fine-tune your strategy for 2025.



As 2024 comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the email marketing trends that shaped the year. Understanding the benchmarks from 2024 can help you craft even more effective strategies for 2025.

Let’s explore Sinch Mailgun’s data and insights from 2024.

Industry benchmarks: A snapshot of email performance in 2024

To understand how your email campaigns measure up, it can be helpful to benchmark your performance against industry standards. By analyzing key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates, you can gain insight into the effectiveness of your email strategy.

We’ve gone ahead and organized some of this data for you. Check out these key email metrics by industry averaged globally, based on Sinch Mailgun data collected throughout 2024:


Open­ Rate­

Clic­k-Through Rate­

Unsu­bscribe Rate­


Inte­rnet Soft­ware and Serv­ices




Open­ Rate­





Clic­k-Through Rate­





Unsu­bscribe Rate­

Reta­il & eCom­merce








These industry insights provide a starting point for assessing your strategy. Whether you’re in finance, ecommerce, or healthcare, understanding these benchmarks can help you see where your email program falls, and help you optimize your engagement and deliverability.

The customer experience should greatly influence how you send messages. We’ve got some more data for you on where and how customers like to receive messages, and how best to leverage your emailing. Learn more in our customer experience key takeaways.

Like with real estate, sometimes email is all about location. Now that we’ve taken a look at some industry trends, let’s get a quick snapshot of how different regions perform with email overall.

Regional variations: Global email engagement in 2024

Email performance in 2024 showed a few variations in rates throughout regions:


Open­ Rate­

Clic­k-Through Rate­ (CTR­)

Unsu­bscribe Rate­


Nort­h Amer­ica




Open­ Rate­





Clic­k-Through Rate­ (CTR­)





Regardless of where you send, there seems to be a lot more synergy around when you send from a global perspective. When you’re planning your campaigns, especially heading into the holiday sending season, keep these days and times in mind for messaging.

Key send times: Maximizing engagement in 2024

Understanding when your audience is most likely to engage with your emails is crucial for optimizing your email marketing strategy. Our data from 2024 reveals clear patterns in email engagement throughout the week and day.

Engagement data by hour of the day and day of the week for click through rate.
Engagement data by hour of the day and day of the week for click open rate.

Daily engagement trends

Looking at the engagement distribution across the week, we can see some distinct patterns for both opens and clicks:

  • Weekdays dominate: Monday through Friday consistently show higher engagement levels compared to weekends.

  • Mid-week peak: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday typically see the highest engagement rates with a slight favor toward Tuesday.

  • Weekend lull: Saturday and Sunday show noticeably lower engagement, with Sunday being the least active day. (Which we fully support.)

Hourly engagement insights

Drilling down into hourly engagement, we can identify some peak times for sending emails:

  • Morning rush: A significant spike in both opens and clicks occurs in the early morning hours, typically peaking around 9-10 AM local time.

  • Lunchtime boost: A secondary peak is often observed around 12-1 PM, likely corresponding to lunch breaks.

  • Afternoon engagement: Another surge in activity is common in the mid-afternoon, usually between 2-4 PM.

  • Evening wind-down: While engagement tapers off in the evening, there's sometimes a small uptick around 8-9 PM as people check emails before bed.

Key takeaways for optimal send times

Based on this data, here are some strategies to consider for your 2025 email campaigns:

  • Target mid-week sends: Aim to send your most important emails Tuesday through Thursday for maximum engagement with Tuesday having the slight advantage.

  • Morning primetime: Schedule emails to land in inboxes early morning, around 9-10 AM, to catch the first engagement wave of the day.

  • Afternoon follow-ups: Consider sending follow-up emails or secondary campaigns in the mid-afternoon, around 2-4 PM.

  • Test and optimize: While these trends provide a good starting point, it's crucial to test and refine timing based on your specific audience and industry.

Remember, while these insights reflect general trends observed in 2024, your audience may have unique behavior patterns. Always combine these insights with your own data and A/B testing to find the optimal send times for your specific email campaigns. Learn more about in our post about when to send.

Deliverability best practices that defined 2024

Throughout 2024, several key practices for maintaining strong email deliverability got a little limelight thanks to the announcement and enforcement of key sending requirements by Gmail and Yahoo. These requirements enforce authentication, spam complaint thresholds, and unsubscribe practices. 2024 reinforced key email best practices that every sender should prioritize. Here’s the advice from the pros.

Email authentication: Using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC – remains critical for securing your sender identity and protecting against spoofing.

Maintaining list hygiene: regularly remove inactive or invalid addresses to keep complaint and bounce rates low and your sender reputation intact.

One-click unsubscribe: Offering an easy, single click option for unsubscribes is now non-negotiable for bulk senders. Tools like Google Postmaster Tools also became essential for sender reputation monitoring, helping marketers maintain strong engagement and minimize complaints.

Want to dive deeper into email authentication? Check out our guide on implementing DMARC.

Looking ahead: Preparing your email strategy for 2025

As we move into 2025, the email landscape continues to evolve. While the benchmarks and practices from 2024 provide valuable insights, it's important to stay adaptable and forward-thinking.

Building a strong reputation, maintaining a clean and engaged subscriber list, and delivering relevant, high-quality content will remain fundamental to deliverability success in the coming year. However, we anticipate new challenges and opportunities as technology and user behaviors continue to change.

Key areas to watch in 2025 may include:

  1. Advancements in AI and machine learning for email personalization and metrics

  2. Evolving privacy regulations and their impact on data and sending

  3. New authentication protocols and security measures

  4. Changing user expectations around email interactivity and functionality

But don’t worry, we’ll tackle these topics as they evolve.

To stay ahead of the curve in 2025, check out what industry pro Laura Atkins had to say about the future of email deliverability in this years email camp.

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