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Tips and strategies to ensure your email reaches its destination.

North Star deliverability metrics for your email program

There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, but we bet you can only call out a few by name. Likewise, you can get incredibly granular – even microscopic – when it comes to...

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10 ways to improve and protect your sender reputation

What’s sender reputation? Glad you asked. In this article, we define what sender reputation is and its components, we’ll cover our top tips, and some of the most common mistakes...

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What is a dedicated IP: Everything you need to know

You’re setting up your Email Program and you’ve hit a snag: dedicated IP vs. shared IP? While both have their advantages, there are some key things that you should know before...

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Email deliverability tools: Mailgun Optimize updates and what’s coming in 2023

Every business, big or small, has its own core purpose, and an effective email program rarely works its way into that conversation. But time and time again, email has proven to...

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Dealing with inactive subscribers: Here’s what you should do

Imagine you’ve been on that great first date. Everything went beautifully, and you think you’ve found the partner of your dreams. It’s been two weeks, and they haven’t called...

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Email inboxing: Master the art with this checklist

Remember those good old days of email blasts and cold emailing? Yeah, that doesn’t work anymore. In fact, email deliverability has never been more challenging. Now that you’ve...

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Here’s everything you need to know about DNS blocklists

The word “blocklist” can almost seem like something out of a movie – a little dramatic, silly, and a little unreal. Unfortunately, in the real world, blocklists are definitely something you...

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What to look for in an email verification tool

Marketers know how important growing a list of contacts is to the success of a business. The more people who give you permission to deliver messages to their inboxes, the more...

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Numbers don’t lie: What factors are impacting your deliverability?

It’s no secret that many first-time senders struggle with delivery across different mailbox providers. What makes this even more complicated is that your delivery rate might differ...

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Improve your email bounce rate: The deliverability mindset

Oh, the elusive email bounce rate, the bane of email marketers everywhere. Email marketing metrics like open rate, conversion rate, click-through rate, and engagement...

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