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Tips and strategies to ensure your email reaches its destination.

What is Authenticated Received Chain and why should you care?

Authentication has been a top-of-mind topic in the email world for some time, but it feels like the buzz has grown after the announcements made by Google and Yahoo in October...

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Getting started with Google Postmaster Tools: Sender reputation

How’s your reputation? Your email sender reputation, that is. Your sender reputation can be the make-or-break factor for successfully landing in the inbox. It’s a score that an...

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Understanding the Gmail and Yahoo sender requirements: Takeaways from our fireside chat with Gmail and Yahoo

The inbox requirements for bulk senders announced by Google and Yahoo in October 2023 have shot through the community like panic up a spine. As with any big announcement it...

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Email deliverability and the customer experience: What are the connections?

Whether it’s business or personal, relationships are built on trust. Good communication fosters that trust. For strong communication between your company and your customers...

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Gmail and Yahoo’s 2024 inbox protections and what they mean for your email program

As senders, we should be the first to care about sending valuable, relevant emails to our contacts. Ultimately, email’s efficiency as a communications channel depends on our...

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Understanding Yahoo sender requirements: Insights from Yahoo’s Marcel Becker

Marcel Becker, Sr. Director of Product Management at Yahoo, joined our podcast, Email’s Not Dead, to share his insights on the Yahoo inbox requirements and shed light on why...

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Mailgun Optimize releases updates to monitor authentication success rates

2024 comes with new sending resolutions. Inbox giants like Gmail will hold senders to new stricter like reduced spam complaint rates and stronger authentications. Unlike a...

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Debunking email deliverability myths

There’s a ton of deliverability misinformation out there floating around in space. So much, that it’s often hard to know what’s a deliverability truth and what’s just a myth. So, to uncover the truth...

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Transactional email vs. Marketing email: Everything you need to know

Imagine this scenario — you’re a sender that is sending massive amounts of email left and right from the same domain without a care in the world about your reputation. Maybe...

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Best practices for successful email delivery

Composing good email is important but making sure it successfully reaches your recipients is critical. So many well-intended messages end up in spam (60% in a recent analysis)...

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