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The Mailgun Team


The Sinch Mailgun team

The Sinch Mailgun team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your products and apps to the next level using email. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailgun team

Email deliverability tools: Mailgun Optimize updates and what’s coming in 2023

Every business, big or small, has its own core purpose, and an effective email program rarely works its way into that conversation. But time and time again, email has proven to...

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Here’s how to track email opens in Gmail with email tracking

Sending email campaigns doesn’t have to feel like you’re throwing darts into a black hole. Email analytics are a great way to determine the health of your ecommerce campaign and...

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Email inboxing: Master the art with this checklist

Remember those good old days of email blasts and cold emailing? Yeah, that doesn’t work anymore. In fact, email deliverability has never been more challenging. Now that you’ve...

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How to effectively use webhook for email delivery

At Mailgun, we’re all for automation and improving how you design and deliver your email program. So, if data is the new gold, what does this mean for your email workflow if you...

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Your guide to using webhooks

You already know that email isn’t a send-and-forget thing. When you’re sending a message, you want to know how to track it and respond to any issues, right? After all...

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See what you can accomplish with the world's best email delivery platform. It's easy to get started.Let's get sending
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