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Natalie Hays


Natalie Hays

Natalie Hays is the Product Marketing Manager at Sinch Mailgun. She's got product knowledge from the inside out and works to get Mailgun's message to the masses. She writes about product updates, secret email wisdom, and brings you in-depth reports on the power of email.

Latest stories by Natalie Hays

The magic behind successful email open rates

So you’ve integrated email into your platform or app. But how can you know whether your users are reading your messages? After all, sending an email is one thing, but ensuring...

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Mailpets: For the love of animals

For almost two years now, Mailgun has posted a pet picture onto our social media accounts on Fridays...

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Spooky sending: Halloween 2019

Halloween is here again to fright and delight everyone from the marketer to the developer...

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Email list building from the ground up

Oh, email lists, one of our most visited topics ever. Without your list of recipients, your...

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See what you can accomplish with the world's best email delivery platform. It's easy to get started.Let's get sending
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