Mailgun and Vero
Automate creation of users, tracking events, and subscribing/unsubscribing users for new log data, unsubscribe events, new list events and more by using Zapier to connect Vero and Mailgun.
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Vero is a marketing tool that helps companies convert customers. By connecting Mailgun and Vero, you can automate event tracking, user tag updates, and user aliases for email events like unsubscribe events, bounce events, and more.
Vero - Vero is a marketing automation software that helps businesses by using a data-driven API to collect information on customer behavior. That data is then used to convert customers through messaging, product experiences, and much more.
Zapier - Zapier is an iPaaS provider that allows non-technical users to create connections between web apps using a simple interface. You will benefit from one of the largest app ecosystems, including over 500+ web apps to connect to, including Mailgun.
You can customize this integration with Triggers and Actions, including:
EmaiÂl BounÂced – in VeroÂ.
AliaÂs a User – this endpÂoint lets you chanÂge a userÂ’s idenÂtifier (id)Â.
EmaiÂl ClicÂked – when a link in an emaiÂl is clicÂked.
DeleÂte a User – this endpÂoint lets you deleÂte a singÂle userÂ. DangÂer: When deleÂting a userÂ, all propÂerties and actiÂvities will be lost foreÂver. DeleÂted userÂs are not recoÂverable.
EmaiÂl CompÂlained – when an emaiÂl bounÂces.
TracÂk an EvenÂt – tracÂk an evenÂt in Vero for a user when they take a specÂific actiÂon.
EmaiÂl ConvÂerted – in VeroÂ.
ResuÂbscribe a User – in VeroÂ.
EmaiÂl DeliÂvered – in VeroÂ.
UpdaÂte UserÂ's Tags – add or remoÂve tags for a userÂ. AlthÂough both add and remoÂve have been markÂed as optiÂonal, at leasÂt one is requÂired.
New User – when a new user is creaÂted.
UnsuÂbscribe a User – unsuÂbscribe a user in Vero so that they no longÂer receÂive any markÂeting emaiÂls (traÂnsactional emaiÂls will stilÂl be sentÂ).
EmaiÂl OpenÂed – in VeroÂ.
CreaÂte or UpdaÂte a User – idenÂtify or updaÂte a userÂ's profÂile in VeroÂ. If you trigÂger this evenÂt and a user with the provÂided ID does not exisÂt, Vero will creaÂte one. If a user with the ID alreÂady exisÂts, we'lÂl updaÂte that user and theiÂr propÂerties.
ResuÂbscribe User – when a user resuÂbscribes.
Send EmaiÂl – via your MailÂgun accoÂunt.
EmaiÂl Sent – in VeroÂ.
New MailÂing List MembÂer – adds a new membÂer to a mailÂing listÂ.
UnsuÂbscribe User – when a user unsuÂbscribes. We will send you specÂific userÂ's data when a user unsuÂbscribes.
UpdaÂte User – when a userÂ's detaÂils are updaÂted.
New Log Data – push evenÂts to otheÂr servÂices.
New BounÂce EvenÂt – tracÂk bounÂce evenÂts via callÂback URL.Â
New CompÂlaint EvenÂt – tracÂk unsuÂbscribe evenÂts via callÂback URL.Â
New DeliÂvery EvenÂt – tracÂk succÂessful deliÂvery evenÂts via callÂback URL.Â
New FailÂed DeliÂvery EvenÂt – tracÂk failÂed deliÂvery atteÂmpts via callÂback URL.Â
New OpenÂ/Click EvenÂt – webhÂook for tracÂking openÂs/clicks.
New UnsuÂbscribe EvenÂt – tracÂk unsuÂbscribe evenÂts via callÂback URL.Â
New List – when a new mailÂing list is addeÂd to your accoÂunt.
Manage your contact lists without worrying about global data privacy regulations or data security. Mailgun is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified, meaning that it guarantees an optimal level of email data privacy and security.
Connect Mailgun to Vero without any programming skills. Enjoy the benefits of workflow automation:
Step 1: Connect your Mailgun and Vero accounts in Zapier.
Step 2: Select the trigger app to kick off your automation.
Step 3: Pick your preferred action from the other app.
Step 4: Choose the data you want to send between the two apps.
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Mailgun and Unbounce
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Mailgun and Verse