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Mary Dolan


Mary Dolan

Mary Dolan is a former Community Marketing Manager and Copywriter at Sinch Mailgun. She was our social media guru and community leader. She was dialed into the email network and writes about the email topics and trends you're probably talking about.

Latest stories by Mary Dolan

Email validation – Why is it vital for your inbox?

We all have those moments when we get nervous and need to double-check ourselves. Did we fill in the right answer bubbles on a test? Did we type in the right password when...

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What is DKIM: Learn how it works and why it’s necessary

Are you who you say you are, or are you a spoofer in disguise? Answering this question is what DKIM is all about. As email usage and capabilities continue to grow, it’s important to...

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The basics of SPF records

SPF doesn’t refer to how long you can wait before you have to reapply your sunblock (seriously, go get some). Instead, the term “SPF” refers to a security measure that helps...

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The basics of email dark mode

We all know that light tends to win over dark. Just look at Star Wars or Lord of the Rings… or The Divine Comedy, for that matter. Pop culture – or just culture, really – has taught us...

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8 benefits of email automation you should definitely know

You’ve built a great app or product and added an email functionality. But what next? How can you improve your user’s email interaction with your app? Don’t worry; this doesn’t...

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